In 1948, a group of concerned practitioners and orthopedic surgeons recognized the Orthotist/Prosthetist is an integral part of the rehabilitative team responsible for returning the patient to a productive and meaningful life. The education, skills, and technical knowledge required to accomplish their tasks are extensive, complex, and sophisticated, and require considerable training. The public requires and deserves assurance that the practitioner is qualified to provide the appropriate services. It was on this basis that the American Board for Certification in Orthotics and Prosthetics, Inc. (ABC) was established as a credentialing organization. The mission of the American Board for Certification in Orthotics and Prosthetics Inc. is to encourage and promote the highest standards of professionalism in the delivery of orthotic and prosthetic services. The ABC advances the competency of practitioners, promotes the quality and effectiveness of orthotic and prosthetic care, and maintains the integrity of the profession. |