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Click on a link and visit sites that relate
to the interests and issues addressed by AOPA

btemplate.jpg (1456 bytes) DMERC Regions btemplate.jpg (1456 bytes) Agency for Health Care Policy and Research btemplate.jpg (1456 bytes) Contacting Congress
btemplate.jpg (1456 bytes) Department of Health and Human Services btemplate.jpg (1456 bytes) Health Care Financing Administration

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(Information Primarily for Consumers)

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National Conference of State Legislators btemplate.jpg (1456 bytes) O & P Fee Schedule - 1999

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Project Vote Smart

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Roll Call btemplate.jpg (1456 bytes) SNF/PPS
(HCFA Web Site)

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Agency for Health Care Policy and Research

The Agency for Health Care Policy and Research is an agency of the Department of Health and Human Services charged with supporting research designed to improve the quality of health care, reduce its costs, and broaden access to essential services.

HIGHLIGHTS: Research information and reports on health care topics including managed care, outcomes, health technology, and consumer health.

Contacting Congress

Contacting the Congress provides lists of telephone numbers, FAX numbers, electronic mail addresses, and homepages for members of congress.

HIGHLIGHTS: Links you to your Member of Congress, you can determine who your Senators and Representative are, learn about them from their home pages, send them a message about you and your concerns.

Department of Health and Human Services

The Department of Health and Human Services is a United States government agency charged with protecting the health of all Americans and providing essential human services, especially for those who are least able to help themselves. HHS includes such divisions as the National Institutes of Health, the Food and Drug Administration, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Health Care Financing Administration, and the Administration on Aging.

HIGHLIGHTS: Consumer information on numerous topics, research and policy information, and links to HHS agencies.

Health Care Financing Administration

The Health Care Financing Administration is the division of the Department of Health and Human Services that administers the Medicare and Medicaid programs.

HIGHLIGHTS: Access to a tremendous amount of information on Medicare and Medicaid, as well as, the 1999 O&P fee schedules, the 1998 Beneficiary Medicare Handbook, the Guide to Health Insurance for People with Medicare, the Directory of State and Federal Medicaid officials, HCFA Financial Reports, HCFA Newsletters, and the HHS Fiscal Year 1997 Budget; Medicare and Medicaid statistics and policies.


The United States Government Site for Medicare Information.

HIGHLIGHTS: A consumer friendly site that includes What is Medicare, Managed Care, Who to Contact, Publications, Wellness and Fraud and Abuse as the key highlights.

National Conference of State Legislators

The electronic network for state legislatures.

HIGHLIGHTS: The features of the site includes: Guide to NCSL, Legislative Policy Issues, About State Legislatures, State-Federal Relations, Publications & Subscriber Services, Meetings and Events and Internet Links.

O & P Fee Schedule - 1999

This site contains the fee schedule amounts, floors, and ceilings for all procedure codes subject to the Medicare 1999 Durable Medical Equipment, Prosthetic/Orthotic, and supplies (DMEPOS) fee schedule payment methodology.

HIGHLIGHTS: This site includes the DMEPOS fee schedule, payment category, jurisdiction, and short description assigned to each procedure code. This form can be printed directly from the site.

Project Vote Smart

A site dedicated to tracking the performance of over 13,000 political leaders.

HIGHLIGHTS: This site contains a brief description of every state legislator, including education, professional experience and committee assignments, as well as phone number, street address and e-mail address.

Roll Call

The newspaper covering "people, politics and process" on Capitol Hill since 1955. 

HIGHLIGHTS:   The site includes a "clickable election map for the latest on every congressional race in the country.


This is an HCFA website devoted to information on The Skilled Nursing Facility Prospective Payment System and Consolidated Billing.

HIGHLIGHTS: This site contains the answers to a number of frequently asked questions regarding the SNFPPS and Consolidated Billing.


The Library of Congress source for detailed information on congressional bills, votes and members.

HIGHLIGHTS: Includes searchable full text of the Congressional Record, bills and committee reports.


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Copyright © 1998-1999 American Orthotic and Prosthetic Association.  Last modified: July 19, 1999