Following is a list of organizations which recognize ABC-credentialed practitioners.  Click on a link to view the list.

Blue Cross/Blue Shield PlansFederal Healthcare Organizations
 Foundations, Consumer and Support Groups
Major Employers | National Credentialing Organizations | National Professional Organizations | Other Commercial Health Plans
Select Commercial Managed Care Plans | Shriners Hospitals
State Medicaid Programs | State Workers Compensation Programs
States Requiring Facility Accreditation for Medicaid Reimbursement

To download a copy of a sample letter to obtain recognition:

Click on the link below to download the sample letter.  The letter is an "RTF" Rich Text Format file generally able to be used by programs such as Word and Word Perfect.

If using Internet Explorer and Microsoft Word processing products the document may appear on your browser. 

If it does, select File > Save As > Determine where to place the file on the computer > Name the file > Save.

The document will be saved to the location identified and can then be used in the word processing software.


If using Netscape or other Word Processing products the document may not appear on your browser. 

A security challenge may appear offering the option of opening or saving the document.  We recommend saving the document to a file.

Select Save to Disk > Determine where to place the file on the computer > Name the file > Save.

The document will be saved to the location identified and can then be used in the word processing software.


Download sample letter to obtain recognition.

Organizations recognizing ABC certified practitioners
Blue Cross/Blue Shield Plans
Blue Care Network Southeast Michigan
Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Arkansas
Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Central Florida
Blue Cross/Blue Shield Florida
Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Massachusetts
Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Michigan
Blue Cross/Blue Shield of North Carolina
Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Tennessee
Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Southwest Texas
Blue Cross/Blue Shield Utica-Watertown, NY
HMO Blue, Southwest Texas
Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Western Florida
Blue Care/Great Lakes Michigan
Blue Care/Health Central/Michigan
Blue Care/South Michigan
Select Commercial Managed Care Plans
Aetna-USHC/Walnut Creek
Kaiser/Rocky Mountain Prosthetics
Neighborhood Health Plan, Boston
NYLCare of New York
Harvard Pilgrim
State Workers Compensation Programs
Ohio (prosthetics)
Foundations, Consumer and Support Groups
Amputee Coalition of America (ACA)
Barr Foundation
Central California Amputee Assistance and Support Group
Mutual Amputee Aid Foundation (MAAF)
Nevada Amputee Support Group
United Amputee Services of America (UASA)
Muscular Dystrophy Association
Spina Bifida Association of America 
March of Dimes


Other Commercial Health Plans
Chrysler Motor Corporation (Michigan)
Ford Motor Co. PPP (Michigan)
General Motors Corporation (Michigan)
Kaiser Permanente Medical Group of Mid-America, PA  (including Kansas City)-prosthetics
Keystone Health Plan East, Philadelphia
Minnesota Department of Human Services-orthotics
Neighborhood Health Plan, Boston
OPTIMA Health Plan of Virginia
Principal Health Plans of the Carolinas
University of Illinois at Chicago, Division of Specialized Care for Children
United Auto Workers (UAW)


State Medicaid Programs
New Jersey
IL Division of Specialized Care for Children, University of Illinois at Chicago
Shriners Hospitals
Erie, PA
Greenville, SC
Honolulu, HI
Houston, TX
Lexington, KY
St. Louis, MO
Salt Lake City, UT
Shreveport, LA


Requiring ABC Facility Accreditation
Blue Cross
Legend Health Care




Non-governmental organizations
United States Olympic Committee


Federal Healthcare Organizations
Veterans Administration
Rehabilitation Services Administration
Health Care Financing Administration


National Credentialing Organizations
American Medical Association, Council on Medical Education
Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities


Major Employers
Chrysler Corp./United Auto Workers Healthcare Agreement
Ford Motor Comp./United Auto Workers Healthcare Agreement


National Professional Organizations
U.S. Figure Skating Association
American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons
American Academy of Cerebral Palsy and Developmental Medicine