New Diabetes Kit Now Available
The National Diabetes Education Program has released a newly revised and updated version of the “Feet Can Last A Lifetime” kit, designed to help your patients with diabetes take care of their feet for a lifetime. The National Diabetes Education Program is a joint program of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). ABC is partnering with the NIH, CDC and other participating organizations such as the Health Care Financing Administration, Department of Veterans Affairs, and the American Diabetes Association in the promotion of the kit. Frank Snell, CPO, FAAOP has been ABC’s representative on the project.
The kit, which is a complete staff training tool, contains copier-ready foot exam forms, Medicare certification forms for therapeutic footwear, reproducible patient counseling sheets, a sample, disposable sensory testing monofilament, and the latest resource and reference information on preventing diabetes foot problems. It contains in one place all the tools you need to identify and diagnose foot problems.
Single copies of the kits are free and all materials may be photocopied and shared. The National Diabetes Education Program is also offering a free booklet, “Take Care of Your Feet for a Lifetime,” that contains practical foot care tips for people with diabetes, plus a list of organizations to contact for additional diabetes information.
To order a kit or the booklet, call the National Diabetes Education Program at 1-800-438-5383.