
  1. Applications for PCE Category II credits must be typewritten or printed.

  2. Applicants can only apply for Category II credits for exhibit hall attendance at courses or programs which have received Category I approval and have 15 or more exhibitors

  3. Please use one form for each activity submitted.

  4. Applicants submitting this application for exhibit hall attendance may receive 3.00 credits for large annual meetings and 1.00 credit for smaller meetings. Total number ofcredits allowable per year for exhibit hall attendance is 3.0.

  5. Documentation of these activities must accompany this application in the form of proof of attendance (i.e., copy of registration form, canceled check, certificate of attendance).

  6. Forward completed application to the ABC, 1650 King Street, Suite 500, Alexandria, VA 22314-2747, (703) 836-7114.

Click on the link below to download the Application.  The application is an "RTF" Rich Text Format file generally able to be used by programs such as Word and Word Perfect.

If using Internet Explorer and Microsoft Word Processing Products the document may appear on your browser. 

If it does just select

  • File > Save As > Determine where to place the file on the computer
  • Name the file > Save

The document will be saved to the location identified and can then be used in the word processing software.

If using Netscape or other Word Processing Products the document may not appear on your browser. 

A security challenge may appear  offering the option of opening or saving the document.  We recommend saving the document to a file.

  • Save it to Disk > Determine where to place the file on the computer
  • Name the file > Save

The document will be saved to the location identified and can then be used in the word processing software.

If you're asked for a password, type cancel