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Jeffry Kingsley - (Chairman)
Kingsley Mfg. Co.
1984 Placentia Ave P.O. Box 5010
Costa Mesa, CA 92627-3421
Telephone: (714)645-4401
Fax: (714)646-0805


Kevin Karas - Rehab Designs of America Corp.
9401 Indian Creek Pkwy Ste. 300
Overland Park, KS 66210-2020
Telephone: (913)262-1436 x 5103
Fax: (913)327-0033


Michael E. Lambert, CPO - Lambert's Orthotics & Prosthetics/Patient Aids
3627 Magazine St
New Orleans, LA 70115-2544
Telephone: (504)897-6248
Fax: (504)899-8733


Jeffery S. Phelps, CPO - Tom Watson's Prosthetics & Orthotic Lab, Inc.
2819 W 4th St
Owensboro, KY 42301-0237
Telephone: (502)684-6128
Fax: (502)684-6411


C. Michael Schuch CPO, FAAOP, FISPO - Duke University Medical Center Dept. of Pros. & Orth.
P.O. Box 3885 M04 Davison Bldg.
Durham, NC 27710
Telephone: (919)684-6890
Fax: (919)681-8496


Charles E. White  - Fillauer Inc.
4885 Wade Valley Way
Cumming, GA 30040-5842
Telephone: (770)889-5357
Fax: (770)781-5516


Robert T. Van Hook, CAE - Executive Director/Secretary
1650 King Street, Suite 500
Alexandria, VA 22314

Telephone: (703)836-7116 extension 3003
Fax: (703)836-0838
Annette Suriani, CMP - (Director of Meetings)
1650 King Street, Suite 500
Alexandria, VA 22314
Telephone: (703)836-7116, extension 3011
Fax: (703)836-0838


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Copyright © 1998-1999 American Orthotic and Prosthetic Association.  Last modified: June 26, 1999