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Membership Benefits

AOPA works for you on Capitol Hill by tracking the issues most affecting the industry. Members can attend AOPAs Policy Forum to share their O&P experience with colleagues, focus on legislative and regulatory issues effecting the O&P profession, and deliver a strong and united message to Members of Congress.

AOPA provides many reimbursement services such as Ask the Expert, reimbursement and coding information at your fingertips. You can address your questions to a reimbursement expert via a secure online form on our Web site. AOPA reimbursement staff work to keep members abreast of Medicare policy changes and provide updates via AOPA In Advance, a bi-weekly member newsletter, and the O&P Almanac. Reimbursement staff also track and inform members via Reimbursement Policy Updates.

AOPA members receive discounted registration rates to AOPAs annual National Assembly. The Assembly offers many business and clinical learning opportunities, as well as an opportunity to view state-of-the art devices and technology at the countrys largest O&P exhibit show.

AOPAs award winning Coding and Billing Seminars are taught by industry leaders. Designed to educate O&P professionals on coding procedures and medical record documentation. AOPA members receive discounted registration fees to these and other seminars.

The AOPA endorsed insurance plan, available through Jardine Group Services, offers 30 separate coverages designed to protect you and your business.

AOPA members receive a complimentary copy of the AOPA Yearbook, an invaluable business and reference tool.

AOPA is the most comprehensive information source for O&P businesses. AOPA publishes the O&P Almanac, AOPA In Advance, and other O&P specific publications such as The Electronic Illustrated Guide to Orthotics and Prosthetics, an annual Business Survey Report, and the O&P Business and Practice Management Forms Book. AOPA members receive significant discounts on the purchase of AOPA products. We also have available an online bookstore where members can securely shop online and receive discounts on AOPA products.


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Copyright © 1998-1999 American Orthotic and Prosthetic Association.  Last modified: June 01, 1999